
Novel therapeutic approaches based on the efficient combination of HemaMax with the PD‐L1/PD‐1 blockade therapy can enhance antitumor immune responses against various malignancies.
Low dose of HemaMax administered subcutaneously can elicit hematological and immune-mediated effects without undue toxicity. The safety and the potent multilineage hematopoietic/immunologic effects triggered by low-dose HemaMax support the development of rHuIL-12 both as a radiation medical countermeasure and as adjuvant immunotherapy for cancer radiation therapy.
Low, infrequent dosing of HemaMax is efficacious and well tolerated and is synergistic with chemo therapies. With synergetic anti-tumor effect, the combination of HemaMax with chemotherapy could also reduce the Chemotherapy Induced Thrombocytopenia (CIT)

Key Characteristics


Low dose of HemaMax administered subcutaneously can elicit hematological and immune-mediated effects without undue toxicity


More than 200 healthy volunteer data with a well tolerance safety profile


The diverse functions of HemaMax make it a potent therapeutic in cancer treatment, radiomitigation, chemoprotection and regenerative filed

Exploring Effective HemaMax Combination Therapies with Rational and Scientific Strategies

Tumors produce neoantigens that may be recognized by the immune system
A broad range of tumors are defined by a high rate of mutations.These mutations create neoantigens that can be recognized by the immune system, activating an antitumor immune response. HemaMax could augment the ability of antigen presenting cells (APC) to present immunogenic tumor peptide
Immune cells infiltrate the tumor microenvironment
Numerous studies have demonstrated the presence of immune cells within the tumor microenvironment, indicating their capacity to identify and migrate to tumor cells. HemaMax could trigger the chemokine expression and enhance the immune cell infiltration.
Immune cells can remove foreign threats
Full-fledged activation of antitumor T cells by anti-PD-1 is not direct, but rather involves T cell:DC crosstalk and is licensed by IFN-γ and IL-12. we speculate that introduction of HemaMax could enforce tumor-eliminating positive feedback mechanisms and expand the proportion of cancers sensitive to immunotherapy . (CG Garris et. al, 2018)

Scientific Rationale

HemaMax triggering the T cell:DC crosstalk in combination with aPD1 treatment could potently enhance antitumor immunity .
Immunotherapy can be improved through HemaMax combinations that accentuate the crosstalk between lymphoid and myeloid immune compartments.